Crossroads of Faith United Methodist Church

FISH of Bolingbrook

The purpose of Bolingbrook FISH is to provide a means by which people committed to Jesus Christ can respond to Christ's teaching about providing food, drink, hospitality, clothing, help and human fellowship to people in need to these. (Matthew 25:35)

Crossroads of Faith collects food items for the pantry on the 3rd Sundays of the Month.

If you or someone you know needs to contact the pantry, please call 630-759-4555 (Will County Crisis Line) and your call will be returned in the evening.

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 Bolingbrook churches will again be assisting the FISH organization in providing Thanksgiving baskets to needy families in our community. We are asking for donations of food, cash or assistance in distributing the meals on November 21st at the Presbyterian Church of DuPage at 180 N.Weber in Bolingbrook from 5:00-7:30 pm. For more info, please see the flyer (to the right).

Thanksgiving  baskets.pdf Thanksgiving baskets.pdf
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